RUN WILD Trail Race Series - Kyrenia mountains

The four-race series is being launched by a group of intrepid Cyprus Trail Runners enthusiasts from north Cyprus, with the aim of giving runners the opportunity to discover the many trails criss-crossing the Kyrenia mountain range.
The four RUN WILD races, all about 10-15 km long, will be held on the first Sunday of every month from September to December 2015.
Each race will be held in a different area on a different trail, with the inaugural race of the held on September 6, 2015 in the magical Alevkaya forest area over a distance of about 10km.
Entry fee will be 6 euros/20 TRY.
The various events are created on our Facebook page, where more details are given.
View them here:
The RUN WILD Series is being held under the auspices of Cyprus Trail Runners, known for the friendly, relaxed and happy spirit (with a touch of wildness) at their events.
The series was inspired by the popularity of the La Sportiva Cyprus Mountain Madness trail races in the Troodos, organised by Cyprus Trail Runners, and will have a similar points system.
POWERADE has agreed to supply its popular sports drink products for runners to enjoy at checkpoints and at the finish line.
The RUN WILD champions for 2015 will be the runners (male and female) with the highest number of points accumulated from their best three races in the series. (See details below for points system).
Overall winners in the male and female categories will each receive a special prize (to be announced).
The points system:
The first 10 finishers in each race will be awarded points as follows:
Race winner gets 15 points, 2nd position 10 points, 3rd position 8 points,then
in descending order 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,2,1
Men and women compete separately -- ie first woman home 15 points, first man home 15 points etc.
To be eligible to compete for the RUN WILD championship title, you have to compete in a minimum of three of the four races.
If you do more, we take your best THREE results from the four-race series to calculate your total score. If you complete all four races, you get 5 bonus points.
Meanwhile, get into training -- get ready to head for the hills.
Get ready to RUN WILD!