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Run The   Akamas   -- Earn   a Medal

Due to the fact that we had to limit entries to the postponed Akamas Blossom Trail Running Festival to 50 runners per race under Covid-linked protocols, we have a batch of 2020 medals left over.


These medals feature the gladiolus triphyllus, one of the beautiful flowers found in the Akamas. The 2021 medal will have a similar design but feature another flower – making each year’s medal part of a unique collection.


We are now offering runners who were not able to take part in the October 3 event an opportunity to earn one of these beautiful medals by running either the 60k, 38k, or 24k courses independently (not as part of an organised event).

Conditions are as follows:

1. This is NOT a VIRTUAL event. Runners must follow the exact race course (we will send you the GPX and KML links).

2. Medals will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

3.  You need to notify us of your intention to tackle a particular race on a particular day to make sure that we still have a medal for that distance available.

4. To prove that you have completed the entire route, you will need to record it on a GPX watch or smartphone and either email us the file or post it on Strava.

5. You will need to take selfies at points along the route that we will specify and send them to us. For groups, one gpx recording is fine if all the runners stick together, but selfies should include all the runners taking part.

6. Once we have verified your achievement, we will get your medal to you or tell you where you can collect it.


Other points to note:

-- If you entered and paid for one of the October races but had to drop out for whatever reason there is no race fee. For runners who did not enter any of the October 3 races the fee is 10 euros.

-- Those who take part in this challenge will receive a guide on how to tackle the course unsupported (note that some of us ran the entire 60k route unsupported in March, managing by leaving supplies the day before at strategic points along the way).

-- You will be entirely responsible for your own safety, support crew, transport etc. Our aim is to provide runners who didn’t manage to take part in the October 3 event an opportunity to get out into the Akamas  wonderland, experience the beauty of the trails – and win an iconic medal.

-- DNFs are welcome to give it another shot – no extra payment required.

-- ALL runners are welcome to take up this challenge, provided they notify us in advance. Do not just go and run the route and then ask for your medal. We may have already run out.


For more information or to inform us of your intention to take up the challenge, please email us at

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